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Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2018


Do you know how to choose the best home insurance?

Before discussing about home insurance, already do you know what insurance is the property? Probably most of you rarely or even never heard of property insurance.

We will provide you with information about home insurance and the type of protection offered as well as how to choose the best home insurance.

Why do we need home insurance?

Bad things can happen not only on yourself, it could also occur on the property you own, such as fire, earthquake, theft etc.

The risk of this kind will certainly impact the loss for you in terms of material, as well as the necessary costs of which there is not a little.

This can be minimized by having property insurance. Most property insurance will protect your home from natural disasters, there is comprehensive there is also the most

Already many insurance companies that offer product protection against where you live, such as Allianz, AXA Mandiri Indonesia, ACA (insurance Central Asia) and many other insurance companies.

The easy way to choose the best home insurance

Home insurance products are very diverse, so you have many options that you can choose. 

Choosing the right home insurance is not difficult, you just need to be meticulous in choosing. Here's how to choose the best home insurance.

1. The cost and value of Coverage

Both of these things is a major factor when choosing an insurance product. The cost of that question is the premium you have to pay each month as well as money to be issued when the process of filing a claim, whereas the value of the coverage is the compensation received when making a claim.

Normally, if the premiums are low, the value of the coverage that will get too low. Although low premiums is tempting, never choose an insurance product just because of low premiums.

You should consider the ratio of settlement claims with premiums that are offered.

Sum assured that is too low will your 1997 financial burden, especially if the amount could not cover the entire loss that you are experiencing.

Therefore, you should be careful in choosing a product, compare insurance premium, the number of dependents with the length of the contract of insurance.

If anyone is unclear, ask questions to an insurance agent or contact directly our customer service insurance company.

This will help you to obtain comprehensive information.

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2. Adjust the policy with the needs

Before selecting a home insurance product where appropriate, you should know what you need.

Any insurance product from each insurance company have different protection and policy

For example, there is a policy that only provides compensation in the form of cash given directly one time or two times.

There is an insurance policy that provides protection on the valuables in the home by way of repair, renovation or remodel the House.

Different protection resulted in monthly premiums to be paid are also different. The other difference is the risks borne.

There is a risk that bear only because of human negligence, and others took all kinds of risks including natural disasters.

Customize an insurance policy which has protection as you need.

3. Ease of claim process

If you avoid the risks occur, naturally you want to quickly cover the loss with the use of home insurance. Before obtaining punitive damages, you must go through the process of claims.

In general claim process is carried out by filling out the form. Then you have to wait if your claim is denied or accepted, and last is the process of compensation.

It's hard or easy it is to process a claim depends on the data you fill in on the form and also the preparations you have made.

Even though you've done all the steps correctly, still there are insurance companies that vex their customers.

You have to know clearly the process of claims before the vote. Select the company with claims process simple and fast.

The number of options how to do process a claim you should consider, as more banyakakan the better.
Make sure that if the risk of trouble occurs, you will not have difficulty in process management.

4. Do the comparison

In determining the choice, you should compare the following premium, the insured value, warranty coverage, ease of process claims, and a few other things.

Before making a decision to do a comparison on some of the products home insurance from the same insurance company or different so you can make the best decision.

Although this step is somewhat inconvenient, this is the most important stages to get the best home insurance product.

Do not forget to collect information via online.

Important things you need to know About Insurance

A few things you need to know when looking to have or already have home insurance.
This will be useful to ease the process of claims and make sure you have made the right choice. Here are a few important points:

• Be honest in the mention of home values and/or stuff that's in it.
• Don't hide the facts relating to your home, such as the damage has ever been there before and had the House remodeled or not.
• make sure the location you give on your application form has been mentioned and properly
• Save all documents supporting the claim (the certificate of the land lease agreement, rent, UN (tax Earth and buildings), etc.)
• Save valuable items such as documents or electronic goods for the purposes of the insurance

Protect yourself from huge losses

Have home insurance, will make you avoid considerable material losses. Despite having insurance is not on the issue of profit and loss, but with the insurance, you'll be more calm face the risk that may occur.

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